Our Mission at Calvary Lutheran is to:
Calvary is a faith community – full of enthusiastic and diverse people – trained to meet a changing culture, by
Shared Values1. WORSHIP Weekly worship shapes our trust in God, our faith community, and how we perceive the world. We encourage you to attend worship every weekend unless you are sick or out of town.
2. GROW IN FAITH God transforms lives through the good news of Jesus Christ, and calls believers to lives of continuing renewal, discovering new ways to live in Christ before the world. We invite you to participate in at least one activity each year aimed at helping you grow in your faith apart from worship attendance (Sunday morning education, Bible study, reading the Bible at home, retreats or other short-term classes we offer). 3. SERVICE We are blessed by God to be a blessing to the world. Jesus calls us to lives of service. Give of your time at least once each year, serving through the ministry of the church or in the community. 4. GENEROSITY God is infinitely generous in his love and mercy toward us, and so we act generously toward the church and people in need. We ask you to give financially in proportion to your income with the goal of tithing. |
Welcome Statement
As Christ's church we choose to be different together, embracing the diversity of God's creation. We celebrate the beauty of this creation by welcoming people of all:
Statement of FaithSince God’s grace is already ours, we can put to rest all questions about whether God loves us: the cross and empty tomb prove he loves us. God’s gift of heaven means we don’t have to worry about where we stand with God anymore. Instead, we can live confident that God plans to be gracious to us, and wants the best for us and for the world. And we turn our attention to the world God loves.
Guiding Principles
Every person is God’s child and is welcome here. Jesus makes no distinctions between people; neither do we.
Our focus is on the one Lord, Jesus Christ. Jesus calls us to follow him. We strive to be faithful to that call in all we do as a congregation. God saves by grace through faith. Forgiving sins, putting things right, and promising eternal life are God’s work, not ours. We don’t have to do anything because, in Jesus, God has done it all. Jesus brings us to the Father and each other. Because of Jesus, we don’t need to fear God but we are free to love God. We love one another as God has loved us. Jesus calls us to love, serve, share the good news, and enjoy life together. Every day marks a new life in Christ. Jesus sends us into each day to be his servants and ambassadors with our hearts full of gratitude and joy. |
![]() Calvary Lutheran Church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Within the ELCA, Calvary is a part of the Southwestern Washington Synod.
The word Synod comes from two Greek words: “syn” meaning together; and “odos” meaning way or path. When you put it together it means walking or journeying together. The SW Washington ELCA Synod has 88 congregations and 7 authorized worshiping communities. The synod is structured similarly to a congregation with a Synod Council and committees. The presiding pastor, called a Bishop, is elected to a 6-year term by the Synod Assembly, which meets every year, and to which all congregations send a specified number of voting members each year. |