A Service Blitz!
Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. 11Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies. 1 Peter 4:10-11 I know we’ve barely entered Summer, but I want to talk about the Fall. On September 8, we’re inviting every Calvary member to participate in a Service Blitz. What’s a Service Blitz? It’s an opportunity for our congregation to commit one afternoon to serving Christ by serving members of our community. What kind of service? Currently the Planning Team (which consists of Jean Balogh, Holly Fisher, Sue Snyder, and I) is exploring opportunities that meet the following criteria: 1. Representation of all age groups in the congregation. 2. Each member serves in a capacity that s/he is comfortable. 3. Visibility: Site for service is a public site with greatest opportunity for Community to see Calvary members serve. 4. Service does not replace the worship, but complements it. 5. Other congregations in the community are invited to join us. 6. Equity is the goal of the project: Do what the community needs—not what we want them to have. 7. Ask the congregation for buy-in. 8. Majority of service is done on site only that day, with the effect of having the greatest impact on those served in a short period of time. 9. Service exemplifies diversity of culture. 10. Service project invites community to participate in service. Why, you may ask, would we want to do a single day of service on September 8th’? Well, first, the idea of a single day of service is to make a big impact quickly. Second, we want to get as many people serving in the same place at the same time as possible, and choosing a single-day project is a great way to do that. Third, we want to invite others to join us in the service. Already, we’ve invited our partner ministry, Federal Way Chinese Fellowship to join us, and we will be inviting neighboring congregations to participate as well. And, finally, September 8, is a day that all Evangelical Lutheran Church in America congregations have been asked to celebrate the denomination’s 25th Anniversary by serving our neighbors. So, what does this have to do with you? Well, our hope is that each of you will mark September 8th on your calendar, and plan to participate in the event. The day will start with a “Coming Together” worship service at 10am, followed by a service celebration lunch for all ages, and then all of us will be off to serve! In the meantime, look for details about how you can participate. Think, as Peter suggests in the quote above, about the gifts that God has given you, and the strength with which you have been supplied. Are you good at planting, moving bark, singing, providing hospitality? Can you think of a young adult (a child, grandchild, neighbor, or friend) that you could invite to serve with us? Inviting young adults to serve alongside of us is one way for us to include newcomers in our ministry in a way that is nonthreatening, and enables those young adults to accomplish good alongside others who share their commitment to service. Look for more exciting details in the coming weeks. Until then, enjoy these Summer days. In Christ, Pastor Lori
Rev. Lori A. Cornell
Calvary's Pastor Jake Schumacher
Intern Pastor Archives
March 2017